Reliable Freight & Cargo Transport

The Cessna Caravan is an unpressurized single-engine high wing turboprop with fixed landing gear. The aircraft is certified for two persons including a minimum crew of one. The power-plant is a Pratt and Whitney of Canada PT6A-114A turboprop engine mounted in the nose of the airplane fuselage.
Certification basis is to U.S. FAA FAR Part 23 requirements — day, night, VFR. IFR and flight-into-icing conditions when equipped with the appropriate options.
The Aerostar is a 255 mile per hour, non-pressurized, piston twin engine aircraft. It can carry up to 750 pounds of freight. With full fuel, non-stop range is up to 950 miles.

The SAAB 340B has a max cruise speed of 290 kts. It's max payload is 7,500 lbs. Its range is 1,294 nm.
This SAAB 340B has a maximum takeoff weight of 29,000 lbs.